Thursday, July 16, 2009

KHOODEELAAR! Action replay Points of references to Christine Gilbert January 2006


Wednesday, December 24, 2008

KHOODEELAAR! review of the campaigning year 2008: Points of references to Christine Gilbert January 2006

Tower Hamlets must pass No to Crossrail hole resolution


Christine Gilbert

chief executive l b tower hamlets council

sent via email between 1200 and 1230 hrs gmt on Monday 23 January 2006-01-23

Dear Ms Gilbert

KHOODEELAAR THE BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA CAMPAIGN AGAINST CROSSRAIL HOLE BILL – public meeting held at the Brady centre on Sunday 22 January 2006 - community demand on tower hamlets council to pass unequivocal resolution of the full council to openly oppose the Crossrail tunnel/hole/shaft in the brick lane London e1 is the first transmission of the demand to you.

Further details and background information will follow soon after this.

This is a legal and constitutional communication.

A copy of the same is being sent to you by special delivery post

The key demand was unanimously and emphatically agreed by the meeting on the single motion moved by the keynote speaker mr muhammad haque to say that the london borough of tower hamlets council must hold a meeting within the next 14 days [from sunday 22 january 2006] and to pass a full council resolution demanding the dropping of the crossrail hole/tunnel/shaft provision from the crossrail bill now in the UKUK parliament.

That the resolution must be passed by the same lbth council in such a way and on a such a date and with such wording that leaves no room for equivocation and that it is put to the uk parliament by bearing in mind that the transport select committee set up to ‘scrutinize’ the crossrail bill is now sitting for a limited period and that the lbth council itself has a petition awaiting the formal consideration of the said transport select committee and that the relevant resolution by lbth council opposing the hole scheme/plan must be put in order to ensure that the said select committee and any other constitutional part of the uk parliament takes full account of the resolution and that the resolution is worded in such a way that leaves no room for any constitutional, legal or procedural conflict, contradiction or excuse or pretext to be invoked or used to frustrate or delay or divert or distort the community’s opposition to the crossrail - hole plan/scheme in the brick lane london e1 area - bill.

That the lbth council resolution opposing the locating of the hole/tunnel must be put to or presented to or sent to or made constitutionally validly available to the uk parliament and to the crossrail hole bill promoters without delay and in any case not later than 13 days after the community unanimously making the demand at 1830 hrs gmt on sunday 22 january 2006.


Posted by KHOODEELAAR at 9:10 AM 0 comments

Monday, January 23, 2006

Tower Hamlets must pass No to Crossrail hole resolution


Christine Gilbert

chief executive  lb tower hamlets council

sent via email between 1200 and 1230 hrs gmt on Monday 23 January 2006

Dear Ms Gilbert

KHOODEELAAR THE BRICK LANE LONDON E1 AREA CAMPAIGN AGAINST CROSSRAIL HOLE BILL – public meeting held at the Brady centre on Sunday 22 January 2006 - community demand on tower hamlets council to pass unequivocal resolution of the full council to openly oppose the Crossrail tunnel/hole/shaft in the brick lane London e1 area This is the first transmission of the demand to you.

Further details and background information will follow soon after this.

This is a legal and constitutional communication.

A copy of the same is being sent to you by special delivery post

The key demand was unanimously and emphatically agreed by the meeting on the single motion moved by the keynote speaker mr muhammad haque to say that the london borough of tower hamlets council must hold a meeting within the next 14 days [from sunday 22 january 2006] and to pass a full council resolution demanding the dropping of the crossrail hole/tunnel/shaft provision from the crossrail bill now in the uk parliament.

That the resolution must be passed by the same lbth council in such a way and on a such a date and with such wording that leaves no room for equivocation and that it is put to the uk parliament by bearing in mind that the transport select committee set up to ‘scrutinize’ the crossrail bill is now sitting for a limited period and that the lbth council itself has a petition awaiting the formal consideration of the said transport select committee and that the relevant resolution by lbth council opposing the hole scheme/plan must be put in order to ensure that the said select committee and any other constitutional part of the uk parliament takes full account of the resolution and that the resolution is worded in such a way that leaves no room for any constitutional, legal or procedural conflict, contradiction or excuse or pretext to be invoked or used to frustrate or delay or divert or distort the community’s opposition to the crossrail - hole plan/scheme in the brick lane london e1 area - bill.

That the lbth council resolution opposing the locating of the hole/tunnel must be put to or presented to or sent to or made constitutionally validly available to the uk parliament and to the crossrail hole bill promoters without delay and in any case not later than 13 days after the community unanimously making the demand at 1830 hrs gmt on sunday 22 january 2006.

Posted by KHOODEELAAR at 6:15 AM 0 comments


Saturday, July 29, 2006

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole in Brick Lane London E1

Khoodeelaar! campaign news due here in the next 24 hours